Talk to me via Email & Instagram.
I am also one half of SOAP part of PARABOL
and Co-Organiser of the Vienna Architecture Summer School.
02.06.23-23.06.23, ‘Geography of Ghosts’ Exhibition @ Fabrikraum, Vienna, Austria
01.05.23-03.05.23, ‘Spatial Narratives’
Exhibition @ mLab, University of Bern, Switzerland
06.02.23-24.02.23, ‘Geography of Ghosts’ Residency @ mLab, University of Bern, Switzerland
KoozArch Interview:
SOAP on SOAP, or sampling architectural space within the Web 2.0
03.02.23-18.03.23, ‘Simple Object Access Protocol’
Exhibition @ MAGAZIN, Vienna Austria
(In Progress)
Hi, my name is Dominic Schwab and I am an architect, teacher and researcher based in Vienna, Austria. Since 2020, I am a faculty member at the ./studio3, Institute for Experimental Architecture at the University of Innsbruck. Currently I am pursuing a PhD with a research focus on the spectralities of media-technologies and how they inform a spatial design practice that reflects on architecture in the age of archives. I have also taught at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and I am a regular academic guest & critic at various institutes, such as the Chair for Digital Architectonics, ITA, ETH Zürich, the Institute for Architecture and Media, University of Graz and the Department for Architecture Theory and the Philosophy of Technics, Vienna University of Technology. Beyond that I gained professional experience in renowned architectural offices, such as Atelier Hans Hollein, Gabu Heindl Architektur and
Wolfgang Tschapeller. My work has been widely screened and exhibited, including Ars Electronica Barcelona Garden 2021, AUT Innsbruck 2021, Greenwich Heritage Gallery London 2016, Wien Museum 2016, Rundgang Academy of Fine Arts Vienna 2016/17/18 and others.
(2020-present)PhD Candidate, ./studio3, Institute for Experimental Architecture, University of Innsbruck (2015-2018)Master of Art and Architecture, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (2010-2015)Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Vienna University of Technology;
(2022-Present) SOAP(Some Online Architecture Practice), Co-Founder & Director (2022-Present)VAS² (Vienna Architecture Summer School, Co-Founder & Co-Organiser
(2022-Present) PARABOL (Verein für künstlerische Forschung) Co-Founder & Board Member (2022-Present) ./studio3, Institute for Experimental Architecture, University of Innsbruck, University Assistant (2022-Present) Architektur im Magazin, Virtual Exhibition Archiv (2021) Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Institute for Art and Architecture,Visiting Lecturer (2019- 2020)Wolfgang Tschapeller ZT-Gmbh, Design Architect 2018 Stiefel & Company Architect, Design Architect 2016 Gabu Heindl Architecture, Design Architec 2013 Atelier Hans Hollein, Design Architect 2012 - 2015 Vienna University of Technology, Study Assistant
2021 ‘Potenziale 3’, AUT, Innsbruck, Austria
‘Theater of Inconveniences’, Ars Electronica Festival, Barcelona Garden, Spain 2020 ‘Garden of Dele(igh)t’ (Virtual Exhibition), Vienna Design Week,
Vienna, Austria 2019 ‘Bildfehler & Unschärfe’, Screening, Alseum, Vienna, Austria 2018 ‘Abschlussarbeiten 17-18’, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria 2017 ‘Rundgang 2017’, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria 2016 ‘Mapping Images of the City’, Wien Museum, Vienna, Austria ‘Rundgang 2016’, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria ‘Collabocracy: Films and Drawings for visionary Cities’, The Heritage Gallery, London, UK 2015 ‘Moving Boundaries: Ice, Snow & Light’, Riverside Bildmuseet, Umea, Sweden
2022 ‘On Un/Healthy Grounds’, mLab Residency, Institute for Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland 2021 ‘InterFaces’, Project Grant, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria ‘Immensiva Artist Residency’, Espronceda - Institute for Art & Culture, Barcelona, Spain 2019 ‘The Shape of Time’, Official Selection Austrian Film Festival,
Vienna, Austria 2018 ‘The Shape of Time’, Pfann Ohmann Award, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria 2017 ‘The Shape of Time’, Project Grant, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria
2022 METEORA S7E1 (Master Design Studio), Academic Critic, ITA, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
‘Here & There’ (XR Workshop), VAS² - Vienna Architecture Summer School, Vienna, Austria
‘Ghost Writings’, Public Lecture, PhD Symposium Studio2, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria ‘Potenziale 3: DigiLab’, Guided Tour, AUT, Innsbruck, Austria 2021 ‘LMHYBT’ (XR Workshop), Digital Futures Platform, Hybrid Format (online/physical), Innsbruck, Austria ‘Mindcraft and other (more) witchy Crafts’ (Master Design Studio), Academic Critic, Institute for Architecture and Media, Graz, Austria 2019 ‘Unter dem Pflug der Zeit’, Design Workshop, Strellc, Kosovo ‘Juvenilia’ (Master Design Studio) , Academic Critic, Institute for Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Emodiment of a Hypercontext | Winter 2015
with Prof. Kathrin Aste
Design Studio Geography, Landscapes & Cities
‘The universe (which others call the Library) is composed of an in- definite, perhaps infinite number of hexagonal galleries...The ar- rangement of the galleries is always the same: Twenty bookshelves, five to each side, line four of the hexagon‘s six sides...each book- shelf holds thirty-two books identical in format; each book contains four hundred ten pages; each page, forty lines; each line, approx- imately eighty black letters.‘
Library of Babylon, Jose Luis Borges